I have a big plastic container and I just get out all my ingredients and start layering it up. The carbohydrate base is GF cornflakes, or riceflakes (which are just the same thing made out of rice). I also like to put in puffed quinoa or amaranth, and buckwheat groats. Ideally the buckwheat would be toasted but who has time for that?
I also add layers of flaxseed, coconut, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and sometimes chopped almonds.
Fruit wise cranberries are yummy and sultanas are good, neither need chopping up. Dried apricots and pawpaw are good but require some labour with a sharp knife.
Give it all a good shake.
So, this isn't a recipe as such, more trying to pass on some inspiration. Just chuck stuff in until it looks yummy. Next morning you eat some and this creates space in the container to alter the proportions, or add something else you just thought of.
I love buckwheat groats. Delicious soaked with some dried fruit, millet and ... oats (cringe)